
Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum
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Author:  xconnect [ Tue 29. Dec 2009, 01:22 ]
Post subject:  Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

Hi 4seven,

ich beobachte aufmerksam wie sich das [DEV] Last X [attachments] on Forum v.0.0.1 (new preview) nach und nach entwickelt.

Wann geht es denn in die Testversion? Oder anders gefragt, brauchst Du dafür ein laufendes Forum zum Testen? ;-) :D ... ich glaube Du weißt schon worauf ich hinaus möchte ... ;-)

LG xconnect

Author:  4seven [ Tue 29. Dec 2009, 02:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

Ja, ne klar...

Planungs-Endstand (bis aufs ACP etc.) dann erstmal:


- ....
- two versions avaible (Standard Script and Crawl Script)

Ich melde mich, wenn es vorzeigebereit ist. Dann kannst du als Beta-Tester fungieren. Muss noch etwas weiter testen..


Author:  xconnect [ Thu 31. Dec 2009, 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

Hi 4seven,

ok, dann warte ich mal brav ;-)

Wünsch Dir und Deiner Fam einen guten rutsch in das Jahr 2010!

Author:  4seven [ Thu 31. Dec 2009, 16:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

Auch dir und den deinen ein happy new years eve :icon_thumright:

Author:  dkdkdkdk [ Sat 2. Jan 2010, 23:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

Would it be possible to show not 7,14,...last images, but images "from certain date" or "from/to date" or "pictures of this month"?

Author:  4seven [ Sat 2. Jan 2010, 23:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

yes and i think about it as an option in a later release..

Author:  dkdkdkdk [ Mon 11. Jan 2010, 00:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

Any chance to assign only some forums to show "Last X pictures" in this release of the MOD? Or it will show up in every viewforum for now?

Author:  4seven [ Mon 11. Jan 2010, 01:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

which mod u mean, bcs. is a little mixed in this thread this time?;-)

[DEV] Last X [attachments] on Forum
[DEV] Last X [img] on Forum
[DEV] First Topic [attachment] on Forum Index
[DEV] First Topic [img] on Forum Index

Author:  dkdkdkdk [ Mon 11. Jan 2010, 12:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

[DEV] Last X [attachments] on Forum
[DEV] Last X [img] on Forum

Author:  4seven [ Mon 11. Jan 2010, 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Frage zu Last X [attachments] on Forum

dkdkdkdk wrote:
[DEV] Last X [attachments] on Forum
[DEV] Last X [img] on Forum

Out now from these both is only [DEV] Last X [attachments] on Forum.

Please read..


..and find

// here u can enter the foren id's to show
$forum_ids_to_show = '7,9,10';
// enter as given: '7,9,10'

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