I quickly tried MySQL 4.1.22-community-nt instead of "i" version and it works. Seems to me that the MySQL(i) dont like FirstTopicMOD. Do you have any help with this?
Besides, what version are you using?
Besides, what version are you using?
dkdkdkdk wrote:I quickly tried MySQL 4.1.22-community-nt instead of "i" version and it works. Seems to me that the MySQL(i) dont like FirstTopicMOD. Do you have any help with this?
Besides, what version are you using?
- Code: Select all
if (!function_exists('simpleresize')) {
include($phpbb_root_path . 'thumb_resize.' . $phpEx);}
- Code: Select all
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'thumb_resize.' . $phpEx);
WHERE p.post_text LIKE "%[img....
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class simpleresize in /srv/www/photomecan.eu/forum/www/thumb_resize.php on line 10
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