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[DEV] Last X [img] on Forum v.0.0.2

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2012, 14:38
by iamthestreets
I have set this show show max images as 5. It is currently showing 9 images. how do I get this to work? I only want 5 images to show in total.
Code: Select all
// number of max pics to show 
// (important if user have no javacript enabled or $detect_java_screen  is set to 'no';)
$max_img_to_show  = 5;
// enter as given 9 or 12 etc.   

also, should i include the orphan php file? it does not say to add it any where in the install file

Edit: I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong. Is there any way to change this to take only one image from each post?

Re: [DEV] Last X [img] on Forum v.0.0.2

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2012, 11:23
by 4seven
This comes as option in the next version.

Normally the Mod name explain the work mode: "The last x img" and the last x img can be anywhere. Also in the same topic.
Otherwise the mod name has to be: "last x img / but only one by each topic" or similar.