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Change in the color of the text while hiding the text in ..

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2014, 06:16
by Anuj Dhawan

I was looking at this old thread: ... &t=1855005 and followed your instructions there and it helps. However, as I'm using different Font and background color for the BBcode Tags the words "Login" and "Register" becomes very invisible. Please see the below screen shot:

Hide BBcode.jpg

Could you please suggest how can I change the color of "these words" to make them more visible?

Re: Change in the color of the text while hiding the text in

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2014, 16:55
by 4seven
Find in mod description/instruction:

Code: Select all
// No Code Content 4 Guests / 4seven / 2009
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_1'    => 'Please ',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_2'    => 'Login',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_3'    => ' or ',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_4'    => 'Register',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_5'    => ', to see this Content',
// No Code Content 4 Guests / 4seven / 2009      

Replace with

Code: Select all
// No Code Content 4 Guests / 4seven / 2009
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_1'    => 'Please ',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_2'    => '<span style="color:green;">Login</span>',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_3'    => ' or ',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_4'    => '<span style="color:green;">Register</span>',
    'NO_CODE_FOR_GUESTS_5'    => ', to see this Content',
// No Code Content 4 Guests / 4seven / 2009     

Change green to each color you want (lightgrey (as word) or #83H6HT (hex) syntax)

Re: Change in the color of the text while hiding the text in

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2014, 20:49
by Anuj Dhawan
Thanks 4seven. This helps.

I know this is off topic but your name pretty different -- any specific reason behind? :) If it's too personal please ignore it.

Re: Change in the color of the text while hiding the text in

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2014, 15:24
by 4seven
I'd thought about a nick and this name arrived my head.
So no reason in itself, but an inspiration.

Re: Change in the color of the text while hiding the text in

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2014, 18:40
by Anuj Dhawan
Okay! :)

And once again Thanks for your help,

have a good one,