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[DEV] Advanced Attach Watermark v.0.1.4

[DEV] 3.0.* Mod Base

[DEV] Advanced Attach Watermark v.0.1.4

Postby Sekuro » 19 Oct 2011, 20:12

Advanced Attach Watermark

MOD-Title: Advanced Attach Watermark
MOD-Version: 0.1.4
MOD-Author: 4seven (Bugfixing, Redesign, Advanced)

Credits: Josh18657
Credits: Torstein Hønsi for higslide
Credits: Beta-Tester and Usability-Inspirator for v.0.1.2: Tim
Credits: Beta-Tester and MODX for v.0.1.3: jonnilaumann

Note: Since the author did not write longer in [BETA]-Thread, i take over the development of this Mod. The Mod is bugfixed and completely re-designed.

MOD-Description: This Mod inserts a watermark in Attachment Pics

phpBB-Version: phpBB 3.0.x
phpBB-Languages: en, de
phpBB-Styles: prosilver, subsilver2

(782.83 KiB) Downloaded 1638 times

Note: Install also this fix ... #p12903336




Features since v.0.1.2

- Clean and perfect Watermarks
- Thumb-Pics watermarking
- JPG is standard output-format (fixes the "encrease-file-size bug")
- Adjustable position, quality and transparency of output JPG in image-Mode
- Adjustable position, degree, color, font and transparency in text-Mode
- Watermark-size is dynamic (standard 50% of main-pic) to prevent a "little-watermark" on large pics, which makes it possible to easy stamp it away with photoshop etc.
- Compatibility for "multiple uploads mod" *
- Optional Backup of original for each watermarked main- or thumb-pic (files/backup)
- Auto-deleting of backup'ed thumb- and main-pics by deleting original post or attach
- Usage of true type fonts with adjustable size/color of text-watermarks
- Insertable genuine resize function (instead of the usual javascript client-side-resize-method, which makes the pic only "optically-smaller" )
- Resize-function with/without watermark
- Resize-function as standalone feature
- Convert-function [img]: The picture copied to " images/files/" and inserted in posting by click with [img] - tags.
- Convert-function [img] with/without watermark
- Convert-function [img] as standalone-feature
- Convert-function [img_highslide]: The picture copied to " images/files/" and inserted in posting by click with [img_highslide] - tags.
- Convert-function [img_highslide] with/without watermark
- Convert-function [img_highslide] as standalone-feature
- ACP Orphan-function for [img] and [img_highslide] convert-mode
- ACP Orphan-function for [attachment]
- Afterward water-marking of present attach's (with backup)
- Thumb-preview in postbox for [img] and [img_highslide] in both convert-modes and both standard-styles
- Combining of "Attachment Watermark Function" with "Convert Function [img]" and "Convert Function [img_higslide]"

Advanced Features since v.0.1.4

- Optimized Main-Code
- Complete New Text WM Engine
- Textsize-Ratio addicted to img-width, instead of em or px
- Full UTF8 Font-Support
- Perfect Text Offset

- AAW Username Mode
- AAW Private Mode
- AAW Watermark Info

- Mix of AAW Username- and AAW Private-Mode with Global Watermark
- User Switch to activate Global Watermark for all 3 Modes (attachment, img, img_highslide)
- Adding global on/off switches for Text-Watermarking in AAW Username- and AAW Private-mode
- Adding group-rights for Text-Watermarking in AAW Username- and AAW Private-mode
- Re-worked Language Files (en,de)
- valid xhtml 1.0 strict (prosilver)
- valid 4.0.1 transitional (subsilver2)

- Complete overworking ACP-Module
- ACP Color-Picker for all Text Color Modes (no inserting "by hand" anymore)
- ACP Font-Picker for Text Font Mode
- ACP Group-ID-Picker for group rights in AAW Username- / AAW Private-Mode
- Visual View of active Text- and Text-Background-Colors (see ACP Screens)
- Re-coding afterward module with new text engine
- Optimize Usability for ACP


ACP Screens

ACP-Basics images/mods/aaw/basics.png
ACP-Specials images/mods/aaw/specials.png

Posting Screens

Main Sight
AAW Username Mode
AAW Private Mode
AAW Watermark Info



Results Demo: ... f=10&t=365

Posting Demo:

(un: test | pw: testuser)





* multiple-upload-mod

download ... &t=2101152

upload bar for prosilver ... 5#p9934415
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Re: [DEV] Advanced Attach Watermark v.0.1.4

Postby Sekuro » 13 Mar 2012, 20:46

Thoughts about splitting mod

My study of different needs/practise in using aaw over the times let me think about splitting the mod. It should give a slim and a full version. Also i think about the extracting of some stuff.

So these would be the two main mods:

  • Attach Watermark
  • Advanced Attach Watermark


    Attach Watermark (3 base modes)
  • Global image watermark
  • Global text watermark (with font support)
  • Global user watermark (UserX, Boardname, Submitted at * etc.)
  • Afterward watermark process
  • Delete orphans
Slim module with load balancing. Means, watermarking proceed on submit, not on upload. Also you can submit normal (standard: none wm) and with wm (or vice versa). So a more efficient engine without bells and whistles.


    Advanced Attach Watermark
The great ole stuff in a distilled, overworked v.0.2.0


  • Real [attachment] thumbs
  • Font [img] maker
  • jQ [img] marker
  • some more..
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