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[DEV] Last X [img] on Forum v.0.0.2

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2011, 22:58
by Sekuro
Last X [img] on Forum

MOD-Title: Last X [img] on Forum
MOD-Version: 0.0.2
MOD-Author: 4seven

Credits: irdem for a code-part of Attached taken photos by you
Credits: John Davenport Scheuer for Crawl Script

MOD-Description: This Mod shows the last X [img] on Viewforum or Index

phpBB-Version: phpBB 3.0.x
phpBB-Languages: en
phpBB-Styles: all Styles, that are based on prosilver, subsilver2

Demos: ------------- (Crawl-Script - prosilver) -------------- (Crawl-Script - subsilver2) -------------- (Crawl-Script - AeroBlue)

Image (follows)

Image (follows)

(16.7 KiB) Downloaded 869 times

- shows the last X [img] from topics on viewforum or index
- img only shown from forums the user have rights to read
- if user have no rights to read in any forum the div was invisible
- auto-fit the number of thumbs to screen-resolution
- real img-thumbs without client-resizing
- topic-title in link title-tag
- topic-link from [img] to post
- two working modes: Standard- or Crawl-Script
- "fit" options: "width", "height" or "mix"
- "mix" size-option: squares the pic to exact fit (if not squared allready)
- new orphan auto-delete module
- partially new and optimized code
- new double dead-link-check (so no 'hangs' or errors anymore)
- perfect layout in every browser
- xhtml 1.0 strict valid / transitional (subsilver2)

- No display of protected remote pics

New in v.0.0.2:
- new thumb-file name-syntax to prevent "double content"

Requirements: fopen()


fix #1 for v.0.0.2


find in both files

Code: Select all

replace in both files with

Code: Select all

package will be updated soon