Replaces defined censore words with an image.
All non-defined censore words are replaced normally.
- Code: Select all
$censors['replace'][] = $row['replacement'];
replace with
- Code: Select all
$censors['replace'][] = (preg_match("#\*_(.*?)#", $row['replacement'])) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . str_replace('*_', '', $row['replacement']) . '" alt="" />' : $row['replacement'];
make censoring this way (example for the word test):
acp > posting > word censoring, if you want an image-replace.
- enter replacement with additional image path: *_images/image_name.jpg
- don't forget to put the images in folder images/*.* and name the images sensefull
- censor list is cached by design, so don't forget to clear board-cache after each editing of censor list