I'm having trouble getting it to appear on my page. I'm also wondering if anything should be showing up in my ACP control panel. Maybe under the MODs tab or somewhere else. The installation seemed straightforward enough. So I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Should I be defining the forum IDs in a certain .php file? I figured that might have been done in the ACP control panel somewhere.
Also, this hint section is a bit confusing to me. Any extra details on it would help a lot.
- Code: Select all
#----[ IMPORTANT HINT]-------
Make the config of this mod in this section:
in last_x_img_on_forum.php
#----[ Clear all Board- und Browser-Cache ]
#----[ EOM, Save and Close all Files ]
Thanks a lot for the help! It looks like an awesome mod!
Here is where I downloaded the mod from: http://4seven.bplaced.net/forum/6test/viewtopic.php?t=96