First i would like to say you guys have amazing mods, that i would like to add to my forum.
im testing mods on phpBB 3.0.12 with my theme. i installed F2I F2A 0.02.
Unfortunately, i got this error on prosilver when i put a value #0 for "Select Topic Thumb Deep".
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
No values specified for SQL IN comparison
FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 432
CALL: dbal->sql_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/f2i/f2i_forums.php
LINE: 72
CALL: dbal->sql_in_set()
Help much appreciated, thanks a lot.