by parafun » Tue 12. Jan 2010, 03:32
Now in crawl= 19attachment
Example 1, and crawlscript:
// here u can enter the foren id's to show
$forum_ids_to_show = '43,47';
in forum 43:
topic 1, with 7 attached images
topic 2, with 8 attached images
in forum 47:
topic 1, with 5 attached images
topic 2, with 10 attached images
...crawl shows:
forum 43:topic 1, topic2, forum 47:4 images from topic 1 ....but does notshow forum 47 topic2, because 19 images is already there...
Example 2, and crawlscript:
// here u can enter the foren id's to show
$forum_ids_to_show = '43,47';
in forum 43:
topic 1, with 20 attached images
topic 2, with 8 attached images
in forum 47:
topic 1, with 5 attached images
topic 2, with 10 attached images
...crawl shows:
forum 43:topic 1....and no other
Any simple way to only query first..or 2 or 3 (or X) attachment/images from each topic in a forum.???
this would show more images from more forums and topic.... (see examples)