good suggestion to this. this is the ultimate thing to do: auto-fit the attqach/img previews to screen-resolution.
-No autofit screen res.simpler i think.....
-I ment it should show atleast the 10 last uploaded images in a thumbstrip, instead of 5
-atleast 10 thumb to cover user screen 800x600 to 2300x and above.No white space!! Maybe 20 is better if last 20 thumb was 4:3 or 1:1, or even worse upright 9:16 images.
-Now big user screensizes sees 5, and a lot of white space(unused)
-with the next/prev buttons each side in thumbstrip.
-Fixed height, float left thumbnails, and div 100% width like now on thumbstrip (wrapper and to center div not needed).
-Fixed height on thumbstrip div important, with overflow like in "highslide with thumbstrip".
-This means ex. 800x600 sees 4-8 thumb in strip(uploaded thumb aspect ratio dependend), next button will show next 4-8, etc
-1920x1080 sees ex 8 thumb in strip (maybee 8 to about 16 thats aspect ratio dependend), next button will show next ex 8
Your humble Beta tester...
jonni laumann