MOD-Title: jQ User Weather
MOD-Version: 0.0.2
MOD-Author: 4seven / BNa
- Sebastian Gollus for script base of google weather api
- Googlecode for googlemap and geocode from api 3
- Inspired by this topic
phpBB-Version: phpBB 3.0.x
phpBB-Languages: en
phpBB-Styles: prosilver
MOD-Description: Current user weather with 3 day forecast in profile
- JQ Weather preview from google weather api
- Optional Weather Locations Map with streetview (api v3)
- Uses native phpbb3 CPF to setup
- Cached weather results, so less load for your board and google service
- Auto Cache delete and optional F/°C display
- Changeable geocode provider
- Optional weather forecast language (de, en, fr, etc.)
- Works with jQ User Map api3
- xhtml 1.0 strict valid
- Easy install
- ?
test account: ... ofile&u=53
un: tester / pw: tester (just go to ucp > profile, setup 'User Weather Location' and watch your profile after that)
other account: ... rofile&u=2
Download: v.0.0.1
Download: v.0.0.2

Changes in v.0.0.2
- fixing sql error caused by unneeded geocode requests (background > counts also for user weather v.0.0.1)
- new error-prevent and request-sparing to prevent blacklisting
- alternativ geocode provider as failover
Note: You must add the named
custom profile field
before mod installBasic Instruction: viewtopic.php?p=281#p281